Published : 03/21/2018 00:55:58
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It's finally spring. Warm weather is returning! When Tuesday morning came, my daughter woke believing that the snow would all have magically disappeared from the ground...


In our lovely little village of Ayer's Cliff, the sun brightens our days. I have not heard any bird song yet, only the cawing of crows. Much less poetic than the sweet song of chickadees! We know that during spring, nature comes alive very gradually.


We must prepare our bodies for this new rhythm. It might be tempting to soak in every last sun ray after a long winter, but it is so important to respect our body's schedule. In fact, all this light affects our sleep pattern and can imbalance our bodies.


To help you sleep better, I propose that you "go green" by enjoying a cup of our Organic Night Time Propolis and Linden Infusion. It's a grandmother's natural remedy that will be sure to care and comfort.


In this delicate change of seasons, plants are a precious help for our Well-being.


Linden is known to help you sleep, while Marshmallow Leaves can calm you.


Thinking of your health, Propolis is a beehive product that is known for its an anti-inflammatory properties while Rosemary helps digestion.

Finally, the Orange Tree will help cleanse your organism.


Ideally, to fully benefit from your herbal infusion, you will want to enjoy honey with this beverage.


 A wonderful night time routine that you won't want to miss!



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